
Blog Post Checklist

This checklist was created by our head writer at College Info Geek, Ransom Patterson. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own.

Topic Research Phase

Do SEO research on topic (using Ahrefs)
Determine best keyword to rank for
Research and take notes on sub-topics, content gaps, etc

Writing Phase

Do preliminary research/reading
Write rough outline
Write rough draft

Text Editing Phase

Add any needed affiliate links to Lasso
Add Lasso product boxes to post if needed
Add links to internal articles to relevant anchor text (shoot for at least 3)
Turn any quotes into blockquotes


Find and save content images with appropriate licensing
Downscale content images to 1600px wide - Save for Web in Photoshop
Find appropriate feature image
Edit and save feature image using Blog Post Featured Image PS template - Save for Web
Add all content images to post
Ensure all content images have descriptive alt tags
Credit image sources
Add captions to images that would benefit from them
Upload feature, pin, share images - all titled with post title
If video post, upload homepage image - titled with post title
Set featured image
Paste share image URL in Yoast share fields - Facebook and Twitter
Paste pin image URL in Pinterest Image custom field
If video post, paste homepage image URL in Homepage Image custom field

Fiddly Admin Things

Add <!--more--> tag after 2-3 paragraphs (before any images)
Copy first few paragraphs from Text tab and paste in Excerpt box
Write a meta description in Yoast SEO box that compliments keywords in the title