
Project Manager View

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Projects in Progress

[Tutorial Block] - Watch the full video tutorial for Project Manager View! All Planned and In-Progress projects will show up here. Technically, any Project where "Idea" is un-checked shows here. When you drag ideas into Planned Projects in Validation View, they'll become "Planned Projects" and have their Idea checkbox un-checked automatically. The same thing will happen if you drag an idea into the In-Progress table from within an SEO Keyword page. In other words, you don't need to manually un-check the Idea checkbox. Just drag and drop. You can move projects along the Trello-style kanban board below as they progress through production. We have found that using the same kanban board for YouTube videos, podcasts, and blog posts works well for us. For blog posts, we just skip the stages we don't need. Notion's New Grouping feature is implemented into this view now. When you create a new Channel, hit "Add a group" at the bottom-left of the kanban board to add your channel as a row. You may also see a "copy" of Your 1st Channel, which you can't add new rows to. This is a Notion bug, which I have reported to Notion's team. You're safe to simply delete that copy using the three-dot menu next to it. You can also drag any piece of content from the kanban board to the calendar view below in order to set its publish date. Note the doing so will force the project back to "Planned" status due to a Notion bug. Ideally, you'd set a target publish date when the project is first planned; then you could move it around on the calendar if the date needs to change. It's only when dragging from the kanban board to the calendar that the Status will be reset. I've reached out to Notion support about this.

Publishing Calendar

Late Content

Content Tasks

[Tutorial Block] Any incomplete tasks related to your content projects will show up here, with the exception of any projects that have their Status set to On Hold. New tasks should be created from their content project pages, not here (creating new tasks from this view is difficult due to the filter setup).