[Tutorial Block] At CIG, we write video scripts in a certain style. This styling is not always used, but it is preferred for heavily-scripted videos that contain lots of b-roll and different sections. This guide has been included as an example for the types of documentation you could create for your own Knowledge Base.
"Make timely or popular topic videos with titles and thumbnails your audience can't resist clicking on, that are compelling and your audience wants to watch to completion and enjoy so much it makes them want to watch another video, or binge several." - Rene Ritchie
Introduction - Main Set
This is a section that is done on-camera. On-camera sections should have their headings highlighted in green. They should have a heading title (e.g. "Introduction" or "Tip 1 - Stop Procrastinating") along with the location (e.g. "Main Set" or "Reservoir Forest").
Use an italic, purple-highlighted line to indicate a camera angle change or a skit, e.g. "Walking profile in field" or "Cut to Furby, creepily laughing".
Here's an example of a section where the writer had an idea for b-roll.
Section 2
Voice-over sections are highlighted in yellow.
[On-camera] - Highlight lines in their proper color and start them with a bracketed shot type if they're going to be a quick interlude in the midst of a different type of section.
Guest Section
Collaborator sections are highlighted in orange. These sections are filmed by guests or collaborators.
Sponsor Spot - Main Set
Write out the sponsored talking points here
YouTube Ending - Main Set
Write out the YouTube-specific ending here.
Nebula Ending - Main Set
Write out the Nebula-specific ending here.